A car is a car and a motorcycle is a motorcycle, just like a bicycle is not a motorcycle.
The only "household cleaning supply" I do use and educate others of how well it works with a motorcycle is Simple Green.
Simple Green
is not toxic to the body and the envirorment and does not harm any of the motorcycle's surfaces, for thirds.

STEEL WOOL grade # 0000, ORIGINAL BIKE SPIRITS Spray Cleaning & Polish, SIMPLE GREEN, MOTHERS Mag & Aluminum Polish, Clean Rags, Toothbrushes, Wooden Stirrers /Popsicle Sticks, Microfiber Cloths, Industrial Latex Gloves.

SIMPLE GREEN Cleans all surfaces safely. Earth Friendly and No Toxic Fumes. Found in some "HOUSEHOLD" cleaning supplies department in stores and hardware store.

ORIGINAL BIKE SPIRITS SPRAY CLEANING & POLISH (newer can on the left) Can only be found at motorcycle supply stores or Amazon.

MOTHERS, Mag & Aluminum Polish Only for Chrome areas. With clean cloth or "0000" Steel Wool, ONLY ON CHROME! Found in both auto and motorcycle supplies shops.

Grade # 0000 Steel Wool. The finest grade of steel wool for cleaning and removal of crud off of CHROME ONLY. Varying from different rubbing pressure with "MOTHERS, Mag & Aluminum Polish." Found in hardware store and some auto supplies stores.

Microfiber Cloths For buffing and polishing. Found in most department and grocery stores, as well as hardware stores, motorcycle shops and auto supply shops.

"Non-Powdered" Industrial Latex Gloves, Wooden Stirrers /Popsicle Sticks, Toothbrushes, Clean Rags and Socks. "Non-Powdered" Industrial Latex Gloves can be found in hardware stores.

Former cotton or mostly cotton: Pjs, Sheets, Socks, T-shirts, Sweet Shirts and towels make good use of recycled clothing and cloths. Or you can buy a bag of rags from hardware stores and auto supplies stores.

Wooden Stirrers /Popsicle Sticks, Toothbrushes. Coffee shops for stirrers, treats for the kid within you or kids in your life for popsicle sticks. Retired toothbrushes or cheap toothbrushes from the dollar store.

Oven Cleaner to remove melted on rubber or plastic off of chrome exhaust pipes.